
Below is a list of the some of the people behind FloodList.

The FloodList Team

Richard Davies
Co-founder, editor and writer. Richard is from UK, has travelled extensively working for governments and NGOs, and is now mostly based in Germany, writing and editing for FloodList. Richard takes care of FloodList’s Social Media, and also writes for various other websites and companies.

Jana Behrend
Co-founder, writer and translator. Jana’s wide experience of languages gives her a unique perspective in understanding issues around flooding in a range of other, non-English speaking countries.

Ed Hill
Ed is a freelance journalist with a background in technical writing. He is based in South Africa and regularly writes news reports and analysis for FloodList, with a particular focus on flood resilience and protection issues.

There are many other people who make an invaluable contribution to FloodList via articles, news content, weather and climate data, eye-witness accounts and local information.

River Oder Floods, Germany Poland Border