Italy – Dozens Rescued From Flooding in South

More severe weather has struck in southern Italy, just days after heavy rain triggered massive landslides on the island of Ischia.

Flood rescues in Catanzaro, Italy, 04 December 2022. Photo: Vigili del Fuoco

Heavy rainfall from 03 December 2022 has affected southern and central areas of Italy. Flooding prompted emergency rescues in Sicily and Calabria regions, roads were closed in parts of Tuscany and firefighters carried out dozens of interventions in the Lazio region.

Stormy weather also prompted authorities to evacuate an estimated 1,070 residents from risk areas on the island of Ischia, where landslides in late November caused the death of 11 people.

Sicily Region

Italy’s fire service Vigili del Fuoco reported heavy rainfall and flooding in Messina in northeast Sicily on 03 December 2022. Emergency crews carried out over 150 interventions for flooding in particular in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto and Milazzo. Vigili del Fuoco said they t rescued over 30 people from flooded homes and vehicles caught in flood waters.

Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto recorded 193.8 mm of rain in 24 hours on 03 November.

Calabria Region

Heavy rain caused the Tacina River to overflow in Catanzaro, the capital of the Calabria region on 04 December. Firefighters carried out 50 interventions, including rescuing one person from a flooded house in Simeri Crichi.

The mayor of Catanzaro, Nicola Fiorita, said the city will request a state of natural disaster to help aid recovery and clean-up operations.

Around the same time, Vigili del Fuoco carried out 40 interventions along the coast from Capo Rizzuto to Steccato di Cutro near Crotone after strong winds and a suspected tornado caused severe damage.

Very heavy rain fell in the Province of Cosenza, Calabria Region in late November 2022. As much as 305 mm of rain fell in 24 hours in Cropalati, causing landslides and floods. Roads were blocked and schools closed in the area as a result. Firefighters said they carried out over 50 interventions responding to floods, fallen trees and the rescue of motorists. One building was evacuated in Acri due to damage caused by a landslide. Damage to roads left areas cut off in Vaccarizzo Albanese.

Lazio and Tuscany Regions

Bad weather including heavy rain also affected the Rome Metropolitan area in the Lazio region, on 03 December. Vigili del Fuoco carried out 150 interventions for draining basements, removing unsafe trees and water damage in general.

Heavy rain also caused problems in the Tuscany Region where local media reported roads were closed after flooding in Manciano in Grosseto Province on 04 December.

Further south, damage from strong winds and a possible tornado was reported in the Apulia Region during this time.

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